1. Liberi Fatali | This is the same recording as the one heard on the OST and is likely a jewel in Nobuo's crown of fine works. |
2. Blue Fields | This wonderful minimalist track is finally given a fine presentation. Rather than being played on bells, the excellent melody is rotated around different sections of the orchestra. It would have been great if it was possible to use this version in the game. Oh well, it's too late now... |
3. Don't be Afraid | The pulse-pounding battle theme is actually not changed much from the OST version, but it does contain some new bridges and a bit of added instrumentation. I like the unusual way the solo trumpet is used as accompaniment. |
4. Balamb GARDEN ~ Ami | This starts off almost exactly as the original, the only difference is that the melody that opens is given more play than it once had. Later on, the "friendship" theme from the original makes and appearance, which rounds out the track nicely. One great thing about this CD is that the friendship theme isn't overused as it is in the OST. |
5. Fisherman's Horizon | This is my favorite track apart from the Ending Theme. The begins with a wonderful wordless choir which follows into solo playings of the grand melody. This mostly eliminates the horrid electric piano heard in the original, but it is heard as accompaniment in a few key areas. The piano doesn't bother me in this arrangement, due to it's very quiet use, and it actually seems to fit the music very well. |
6. FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC | This track seems to be missing the power that the original had. The drums seem a bit more subdued and the choir sounds almost lazy. It builds slightly only to add a horrid wailing female vocal the completely ruins the whole thing. |
7. Eyes on Me | What more is to be said? If you like pop ballads, you're going to like this. If you don't like pop ballads, you're going to detest this. In any case, this was arranged by Shiro Hamaguchi and Faye Wong's voice still cracks in one key area. |
8. The Man With the Machine Gun | This is the low point of the whole thing. This song was originally meant to be a techno piece and it simply doesn't sound very good when played by an orchestra. The effect is interesting I suppose, but I would rather have heard one of the better tracks arranged such as "The Mission" or "Drifting." |
9. Dance with the Balamb-fish | This sounds absolutely wonderful. The orchestration takes an ascending tone rather that a descending tone in the intro, but other than that, this sounds just like the original, only (obviously) played by orchestra. |
10. Love Grows | If you want to hear a fully orchestral version of the love theme, then here ya go! The only problem is that since this is used in both Eyes on Me and the Ending Theme, it seems a bit overused on this particular CD. The especially great thing about this track is the piano accompaniment. |
11. The Oath | This sounds like the original, only with the addition of new instrumentation and it is played more slowly. I personally like the string-only version on the original. Plus the added stuff makes this sound like Christmas music. Seriously. Christmas music. |
12. Ending Theme | If you want to know my opinions on this, you'd best check out my review for the FFVIII OST. Anyway, this is a restatement of the major themes and even some new music is introduced. |
13. Fragments of Memories | If you've read my review for the OST, then you'd know that the melody used here is a rip off of the main theme from the videogame Brave Fencer Musashi. This time it is played by strings only. |